Linda Spencer

Water, light, movement, memory and emotion inspire Linda’s work, while pattern, line and repetition are consistent elements. Other inspirations arise from her personal life or current events.
In 2012 she completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Victoria College of the Arts, University of Melbourne and in 2008 completed a Diploma of Fine Art at Chisholm Institute TAFE.
Linda is a Melbourne based artist.
Linda's preferred disciplines are painting and sculpture.
Her latest oil paintings explore the urban streets of Melbourne, those who traverse them and their journey.
Linda’s recent sculptures are kinetic, they move unexpectedly, tempting the viewer to interact or complete an action. She is exploring the interactive aspects of those sculptures and the responses they evoke. While her static sculptures explore movement expressed through gesture, drapery and form of the material she selected. These materials include bronze, paper, tin, plaster, wax, wood and textiles.