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Interactive installation, the black arms begin to move, swaying back and forth, stopping and starting unexpectedly in opposing pairs, when the viewer triggers sensors. View it in motion in Kinetic Videos section



Interactive installation, the black arms begin to move,in opposing pairs, swaying back and forth, , stopping and starting unexpectedly, when the viewer triggers sensors. View it in motion in the Kinetic Video section



A spinning motorised 2 metre arm, attached to the ceiling at one end, and the other end has five lengths of string that drape to the floor and are weighted by a plumb bob. Interactive, stops periodically, pauses and starts spinning in reverse. The five lengths of string form a whirlpool effect during the spinning action.



Public Art Commission (4 weeks) Rising: 'Victoria Harbour Young Artists Initiative' at Victoria Harbour, Docklands When a sensor is triggered by a passerby a series of 5 sets of bubbles rise sequentially from the deep over a span of 20 metres Commissioned by Lend lease and VicUrban (now {Places Victoria) View it in Kinetic Video section



Public Art Commission (4 weeks) Rising: 'Victoria Harbour Young Artists Initiative' at Victoria Harbour, Docklands When a sensor is triggered by a passerby a series of 5 sets of bubbles rise sequentially from the deep over a span of 20 metres Commissioned by Lend lease and VicUrban (now {Places Victoria) View it in Kinetic Video section



Public Art Commission (4 weeks) Rising: 'Victoria Harbour Young Artists Initiative' at Victoria Harbour, Docklands When a sensor is triggered by a passerby a series of 5 sets of bubbles rise sequentially from the deep over a span of 20 metres Commissioned by Lend lease and VicUrban (now {Places Victoria) View it in the Kinetic Video section



Wood A hinged A4 block with a concave base and convex top. When the participant places an A4 sheet of paper and closes the top, it 'stamps' a concave shape into the paper



Wood A hinged A4 block. When the participant places an A4 sheet of paper and closes the top, it 'stamps' a concave shape into the paper (as the sheets that surround the work show)

Rain Machine

Rain Machine

Viewing rain from underwater View it in the Kinetic Videos section

Rain Machine

Rain Machine

Rainwater breaking the surface when viewed from below. View it in the Kinetic Videos section

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